Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday Morning

It is a beautiful Monday morning and I have a list a mile long of things to do.  Monday is supposed to be my "day where I accomplish everything" but it rarely works out that way.  Because I get so distracted!  Jeesh!  I have laundry to fold, my room to clean, WW work to do, emails to return and about 10 other things that need to be done.  But I also have a really good book I'm reading, a 1/2 done pinterest project, seeds I want to plant, etc etc.

I'm trying to embrace the fact that I don't get that much done.  It's just that I keep thinking I should be able to get more done.  (Dang it, now I'm back to those shoulds…)  Are there people out there that accomplish their entire "to do" list every day?  Like at the end of the day do they get to put check marks next to all the different items and experience that sense of accomplishment?  I don't even make the lists any more.  If I REALLY need to remember something I write it on my hand and then I give it about a 75% chance that I'm going to get that done.

I'm torn between the idea of embracing my scatter brain personality and wanting to change it.  On one hand, there's the voice of my spin instructor Aras who tells us at the end of every session that if we don't like what we see "CHANGE IT!"  (Side note, Aras refers to his "partner" as his "housewife"?  Am I the only one that has never heard of this in regards to a same sex partner???)

What was I talking about?  Right--my inability to stay on track… So there's a part of me that continues to think I should get my act together.  But then there is the part of me that really wants to go upstairs and snuggle under my comforter and read the rest of "Midnight in Austenland."  It's maddening!

There's gotta be a way to figure this out.  I mean it can't be rocket science right?  Maybe if I spend some time on pinterest I'll find the answer...


  1. Book first! You'll never be able to concentrate on the task at hand until you've finished and know how it ends. Then you can give your full attention to other things. At least that's my excuse.

  2. Kristyn,I love reading your blog! This post is pretty much what i've been thinking everyday! Why is it so hard to get things done? I actually rarely sit down, except when I am feeding the baby. I should be much skinnier with all the run around, up and down stairs I am doing! When I do sit down to nurse I fall asleep for as long as the others leave me alone, which is about 15 minutes .. sometimes less. So today I decided since I never get everything done anyway I might as well move a little slower, sit down and browse some blogs and make my homemaking chores a little more pleasant by not frantically trying to rush. So far, I'm having a good day. Thanks for your fun posts!
