Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Best Month Ever!

Recently I joined a Facebook group called "The Best Month Ever" based on the principles in the book "The Miracle Morning" By Hal Elrod

I won't go into a lot of detail but basically the premise was to have "The Best Month Ever" using the strategies Hal taught.  (I guess it doesn't take a genius to deduce that...)  Step one was to set a goal for the month and then begin posting in the FB group about how your goal and "Miracle Mornings" were going.  I was more of a silent observer in the group and it was fun to read along as people set some pretty lofty goals:  lose 15 pounds, start a business, write a book, etc.  My goals were a bit smaller and honestly, I struggled with coming up with my "Best Month Ever" goal.  But here's what I realized:

I like my life.  I like being a mom.  I like the mundane (except cooking--never cooking).  I like waking up in the morning and planning what I'm going to organize, what errands I'll run, who I will talk to, how I will serve.  I find joy in my 15 minutes of scripture study and my half hour of morning yoga.  I like making a cup of hot chocolate for my daughter and handing it to her as she walks out the door.  I like morning prayers and a kiss with my husband and the sound of my boys coming home from school.  I like calls from my college sons, emails from my missionary and lunch with my mom. I like good talks with friends, the chance to serve with good people and worshiping every Sabbath.

Sure--there are hard times and worry and stress.  There are stages in life I'm not anxious to repeat and I spend my fair share of sleepless nights trying to solve the world's (or the marching band's) problems.  Someday I would like to be a speaker and writer and serve a mission with my husband and travel the world.  Someday.

The last four weeks allowed me to recognize all those things.  To be grateful for my simple, some may say, boring life.  To appreciate the blessings I have and the people I associate with.  I may not have had the loftiest goals but I can honestly say, I did have The Best Month Ever.


  1. I look forward to reading what you write Believe it or not it's inspiring.

  2. I think this is awesome!!! I was one that started strong, then crashed and burned. I am going to repeat all on my own for December and try to pick one tiny thing to change...thanks for the great story!

  3. Thanks! Sometimes it's easy to look at all the things we didn't do and we forget what we did do. I love the idea of starting another "Best Month Ever." Good luck in December!
