The other thing her comment did was make me NOT want to go out there and rake--like my own silent protest of sorts but a couple of days ago I bit the bullet and spent several hours over the course of a couple of days cleaning up the mess. Here's the outcome:
Which leads me to yesterday--I was on hour three (3!) of leaf detail and by this point I had strapped the leaf sucker -upper thing to me and was plugging away when I looked up and guess who was in my yard---right in front of me? Yep--THE NEIGHBOR!!! As you can imagine, I was furiously going through all of my snappy comebacks I'd stockpiled because this time, for crying out loud, I was going to be prepared! But guess what? The neighbor sheepishly pulled out two pints of raspberries and offered an apology! She told me she had been having a bad day and what she said was out of line and it had been bothering her for the last week! At this point I was back to being speechless other than to say, thanks and offer this brilliant remark: "It's just a really big tree." (I know, I know--eloquence is speaking is apparently not my forte.)
So after all my complaining and obsessing and seeking for retribution I learned a valuable lesson. I learned that sometimes we are just having a bad day and we say stupid things. And on the converse side I learned that we need to be careful of saying stupid things because there are people out there (like me apparently) who will put way too much stock into those stupid things.
My goal for this week is to try to be better about letting things go--at least the things that don't matter. In the meantime, I'm off to suck up more leaves. Again.