Keep It Real Friday
In a weird way, it's become liberating. Every week I post another "Keep It Real Friday" video and while I would like to tell you I spend a lot of time dreaming these babies up, the truth is, I don't. And I don't rehearse them, although sometimes it takes me a couple of takes to get them into the 1 minute time frame. (Because let's be real, I think more than one minute of me is probably too much.) Sometimes I worry that they are self serving--which is the opposite of what I'm going for. One day I just realized that while cute, fun pictures of my kids, or family, or house or latest vacation is all fine and good, it doesn't really paint a true picture of what life is like.
Life is messy. And complicated. It's hectic and boring and inspiring and maddening. Some days are great but a lot of them are pretty run of the mill and sometimes they are miserable. Our sinks are full of dirty dishes, beds are unmade and we use TVs as babysitters so we can get some peace and quiet. Gourmet meals are a rarity, kids socks don't match and teenage meltdowns occur. We laugh, play, cry and every once in a while throw our own adult tantrums. But hopefully, in all of that we find the time to appreciate the moments, count our blessings and find joy in the journey.
So "Keep It Real Fridays" has been my way of embracing my less than picture perfect, but perfect for me life. I hope you will join me. Hop on over to our instagram account at morganlifeadvice and help us keep it real.