Sunday, June 16, 2013

"Pomp and Circumstance"

The crazy train has ramped up to turbo mode the last few weeks around here so I haven't posted for a while.  I know, you're all cryin' in your cheerios about that I'm sure.  Is it just me or is the end of the school year just nuts?  It's been extra busy for our family as we've had Carter graduate this last week which is really fun--and really sad too.  It's caused me to reflect on a few things so forgive me as I wax poetic here for a moment...

I've realized that even though I'm frustrated with my household's lack of organization and discipline that somewhere along the line we did a few things right.  I mean, look at this kid:

Yeah,  I know I'm his mom and all but that is one good looking kid right?  And not only that, but he's a really nice kid!  He's thoughtful, he's smart, he's got college plans, he's nice to his mother and in two short months he's off to serve a mission in Brazil.  Brazil!  That is a long way from home!  But I'm so happy for him and the young man he's become.  I also can't believe how stinking fast it went.  I mean it literally seems like only yesterday he was wearing his "lucky shirt" every single day and carrying around his pet "chain."  (Yes--I am one of those mean moms who won't allow pets because heaven knows I can barely manage the stress of keeping six kids alive, let alone an animal.  Plus they smell.  And shed.  And need a babysitter when we go out of town.  Oh the list is endless really...)  Anyway, in lieu of a pet this kid had a dog chain collar he carried around.  EVERYWHERE.  Even the bathtub which is where it probably met it's rusty demise.

It got me thinking because I promised to be brutally honest on this blog and I can't lie.  The last couple of weeks have been rough in the parenting department at times.  Oh, we have our cute jars and some days all of the kids have their beds made and their rooms straight.  But just as many days none of it is getting done--I'm just getting richer.  And meaner. 
Case in point:  our weekly jobs were not done this week--one of the kids tried to get out of it by saying they didn't know which one was their hook.  Seriously? Those flashcards didn't help at all.   Anyway,  because of that I was out mowing the lawn at 9:30 pm Saturday night because I was mad and just too beaten down to make the kid do it.  I mean--he has it agency right?  Stinkin' agency.

But then I stop and look at that picture of Carter or I watch Kennedy and Parker in their recitals, or see Davis and McKay headed out to a day long rehearsal, or watch Jordan playing the piano for the primary kids in sacrament meeting and I think, "you know what?  It could be worse.  There may be a mountain (and I tell you, it's a MOUNTAIN ) of clothes in the laundry room at the moment, and there are still weeds in my front yard, and my bathrooms are nowhere near as clean as they should be, but I have great kids.  Really great kids.

But they better watch out 'cause summer's here and I'm attaching names to those hooks. 


  1. Just remember one thing Kristyn. The kids would rather have their mom then a spotless house. I grew up in a spotless house with a mother that checked out. All she did was clean and ignored us. Unless she was yelling about something. I have spent plenty of days sitting in the middle of a messy house just to play with Eddie. He was my priority, not the house. Don't get me wrong, I would love to live in a clean house; I just don't want to clean it. I would much rather spend time with my kid. There is less resentment later in life that way too.

  2. Julie--you are absolutely right! One of the things we've been blessed with is a pretty peaceful home and I don't want to lose that. I just also want them to be responsible adults. Jeez--I was just telling Dave that it all seemed a lot easier when they were little and now all of a sudden I feel like time is flying by an my chances to influence them are running out. It's freaking me out!

    1. It doesn't matter how old they are, you still parent them, even from a far. Don't panic. You did a great job mom. You have awesome kids.

  3. Love that they couldn't figure out the order... priceless! :-) Trying my own clean-house-tactics this summer, going well? Well, it's going... hahahahah
