Sunday, July 21, 2013


Progress Report #2:

At this point I'd like to tell you that I am seeing notable progress in the cleaning department here at the Morgans.  Except I can't.  Because we aren't.

One of the great things here at the Morgan house is that we generally are a pretty happy bunch.  We've been blessed with harmony in our home and I wouldn't trade that for the world.  We have a good time together, the kids like to hang out with each other and I can honestly say that yelling is few and far between here.  Those are all great things.

What I'm struggling to figure out is how to keep the harmony and get a clean house in the process.  Because my house pretty much looks exactly the same since I started this little blog--except now we have jars with money.  So...clearly I need to reevaluate.  I know that most of this rests on my shoulders.  I need to be better about holding them accountable--but dang it, how am supposed to know whose apple core that is sitting on the ledge between the family room and kitchen?  (Seriously, why is there an apple core perched there?  Is is THAT hard to throw it in the trash?)  Now,  I've seen those moms that spend a good portion of the day yelling at their kids to "clean up and get their chores done or else!"  And honestly--I'll take a messy house over turning into that.  I honestly believe that yelling at our kids is never the answer.  Sometimes I listen to how parents treat their children (or their spouse for that matter) and I think, "how would you feel if someone was talking to you like that right now?" But I'll tell you something--those kids grow up and if you're a yeller, guess what they turn into?  Yep.  Yellers.  And they yell at you.  Now let me be the first to admit that I have had some pretty non-stellar mom moments when I wish I could take back what I said and I hate that feeling.  Yelling just doesn't seem to be the answer.  And now I'll get off my soapbox...

So...due to my lack of progress in regards to getting my kids to not be slobs I've set some goals for the week:

1.  First, I think it's time for me to look at each room with a critical eye and get rid of what we don't need and organize what we do need.  (Those top hats are on the chopping block.)
2.  I've got to go back to holding the kids more accountable by (calmly) asking them to please clean up their messes.  I've also got to let them know when they are losing money out of their jars when their jobs aren't done.  Right now, because I hate conflict, I sneak their dollars out of their jars when nobody is looking and then run to Baja Fresh with my booty.  I'll still head out to Baja but they'll know their laziness is funding my tacos.
3.  I'll make sure to thank them when their jobs ARE done.  How often do I forget to do that?  I mean, I love it when they thank me for making dinner so I can return the favor.

Now, lest you think this great experiment I've started is a complete failure, it is not--but more on that next time.  I know.  The suspense is killing you...

1 comment:

  1. Here's an idea: since your family sounds pretty perfect other than the messy rooms, use the money and pay someone to clean. The kids are happy, you are happy and the someone who gets paid is happy too.
