Monday, February 24, 2014

Spinning out of control

Ever since my oldest was born I've had a gym membership.  This is because I subscribe to the philosophy that if I'm paying for it I'll most likely use it and more or less this has worked out over the years.  There was a brief period of time when I bought a treadmill thinking it would be so much easier to work out at home but instead it just became a really ugly clothes rack in the corner of our bedroom--like the precursor to my tub pile.  So a gym membership works better for me.  For years I have belonged to the local 24 Hour Fitness club and because we joined when they first opened we've had this screaming deal of only $99 a year for our membership fees.  However, it's not really a "family" gym so about 6 years ago we joined the local community center for the track, pool, etc.  That has been my preferred work out place because I'm not gonna lie--I feel pretty tough with the mostly elderly clientele that works out in the mornings.  It's pretty chill there and I can pop in, do my work out and get out of there with minimal fuss.  Plus it doesn't matter what you look or dress like.  I mean some of these older folks are working out in jeans.  Jeans!  I don't even know how that is possible.

Anyway, that had been good for a while but as the kids have gotten older I'm really the only one using the membership and it seemed silly to pay $70 a month when I have that sweet deal going on over at 24 Hour so this last month I made the switch and went back to my old stomping grounds.  For the most part it's fine--there's a lot more variety there and way more machines but I have to tell you, I don't feel so tough anymore because I'm not 100% sure but I think I might be the "elderly" of that club.  Like I feel old over there.  I mean twenty something girls show up wearing full makeup and hair extensions--at 9 am in the morning!  That is just WRONG!  Meanwhile I literally look like I just rolled out of bed with my hair pulled back in a pony, headband in and the only makeup gracing my face is the mascara smudged under my eyes from the day before.  Seriously, who goes to they gym looking like they have a hot date???

So, there's that.  Also, at the community center the TVs were all set to things like Animal Planet and Wheel of Fortune reruns but at this gym it's MTV.  And the MTV that is on now is nothing like the MTV I remember.  Like call me crazy but didn't it used to show actual music videos?  Because I don't think it does anymore--now it's just scantily dressed women screaming like banshees and rappers with reality shows that are so ridiculous.  I'm missing those Perry Mason episodes with the geriatric crowd...

The other night I was there and I was so not in the mood to listen to the two girls on the treadmills next to me talk about the problems associated with all night bouts of partying and drinking (all discussed while walking about 2 miles an hour and checking their hair in the mirrors) so I decided to be daring and try my first ever spin class.  I have to say, I kind of enjoyed it--it was a dang good workout and it really made me reflect on life.  See in spin class you ride a stationary bike as an instructor leads the class through different levels.  When you are warming up you keep your bike tension at a lower level like 3-4 and then you begin to go thru different "hills" and "valleys", either ramping up the tension or dialing it back depending on the scenario.  The great thing about it is that nobody knows what your tension is at except you--what may be a 3 for one person could be a 9 for another.  It's up to you to push yourself and then know your limits.

I think life is like that--we are all spinning thru this life and sometimes we get to coast by on a 3 where we aren't breathing hard and are just enjoying the little ride.  And then all at once someone yells "10" and before you know it you're pedaling with all your might, your legs screaming in pain, your head bent down, sweat pouring off you and you can barely breathe.  Do you ever feel like that?  I really have the last little while--in fact I did not fully appreciate my easy "3" time of life until the "10" came along and somedays I feel like it's all I can do to just stay on the bike!  But here's the thing about spin class.  Those hills are dang hard--but they are pretty short and then you get to coast along for a while until the next one comes.  And when the next one comes you can usually push yourself harder because your muscles are warmed up and you're feeling stronger--stronger than you would be had you coasted along at a leisurely pace the whole time and when the hour is up you feel amazing--like you've accomplished something great and maybe made yourself just a teeny bit better in the process.

So that's what I'm working on now--learning to love the hills and appreciate them for what they are:  ways to make us stronger, better people.  Looking back over the last year I've realized that life is not predictable.  We can plan and prepare but we can  be coasting along thinking we have it all under control and someone will come by and ramp up that tension to a 10 and suddenly you're not sure you're going to make it over that hill.  But guess what.  We do.  We will.  And when we do we realize we are so much more capable than we thought we were and not only that, we appreciate the valleys even more now.  At least I do.  Most days:-)


  1. Loved your analogy! Those spin classes are dang hard! A lot like life at times! I have to admit your 24 hours fitness here definitely has a younger crowd, I don't usually see high school kids at the one where I live! At least the TV was on MTV and not Fox news or CNN which they always seem to be on when I'm there. Really? A boring news show is what motivates you to work out? Not me man, I'd much rather have Judge Joe Brown!

  2. I loved your post Kristyn. I lost my son last year (Matt Conrad's brother) and that hill felt like I could never just coast again. But time goes by, your heart mends a little at a time and that hill gets easier and easier to climb. I now know that I am capable of getting through just about anything in my life that comes my way and that I can be grateful for all the other things that I have been so blessed to have been given. Thank you for the reminder.

  3. Loved this. Wish we lived closer then we could hit up 24 hour together and chat about our own all night ragers. :) All my friends either go to the community center or Golds, but I, like you, also have a screaming deal at 24 hour so I cannot justify going anywhere else.
