Monday, August 24, 2015

Change is a coming...

“Winds in the east, mist coming in, like somethin’ is brewin’ and bout to begin.”  
—Bert, from Mary Poppins

It’s a season of change here at the Morgan house.  As I type this we are loaded into our 15 passenger van and headed to Utah to drop our 2nd and 3rd son off for their first year of college.  As we piled into this trusty “SIXKIDS” vehicle, Dave remarked that for the next several months it will probably get little to no use outside of the occasional request to drive it for church activities.

We’ve had a lot of adventures in this van.  We brought Kennedy home from the hospital in it, strapped in among her 5 older brothers.  We’ve hauled snare drums and band judges. We’ve driven it to competitions, dance practices, music lessons, back to school shopping outings, family vacations and more scout activities than I can count.

Our family is growing smaller.  Our kids are growing up and doing good things but it’s bitter sweet.  It’s remarkable to see them becoming young adults, but the days of dressing them all in matching shirts for our Disneyland vacations, or sitting around the dinner table together every night are done.  At least for the most part.

And yet, there are great things too.  We aren’t meant to be stagnant.  We are meant to grow and stretch, even if it’s a little bit painful.  I like the idea of looking forward instead of looking back.  Up ahead are daughters in law and grandchildren and one poor son in law who will have to withstand the initiation by 5 brothers.  There are anniversaries and birthdays and graduations.  There are rich conversations and lots of laughter and love.  And blessings.  Lots and lots of blessings.  

Yes, “winds in the east, mist coming in, like somethin’ is brewin’ and bout to begin.”  It’s brewin’ alright- and I don’t doubt it’s going to be an adventure.


  1. I love this post. The only thing in life that we can count on is change. And it is bittersweet and sometimes a bit painful, but the change can be as good as we make it be.

  2. I love this post. The only thing in life that we can count on is change. And it is bittersweet and sometimes a bit painful, but the change can be as good as we make it be.
