Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Letter To My Adult Children

Dear Adult Children of Mine,

As your Dad and I dropped you off at the airport the other morning to return to college, I had a slight moment of panic.  What if I haven't taught you everything you need to know?  What if I have failed as a mother because you can only make quesadillas and you still don't separate your whites from your darks?  What if all my words of wisdom are crowded out in your minds due to quotes from "The Simpsons" or internet memes?  I fear I may have missed my chance so with that in mind, here's what I would like you to know as you venture into the world:

Speak Kind Words. 
 To each other, to those around you, and most importantly to yourself.  Words are powerful and can be used to lift and serve or cut and demean.  Always ask yourself:  "Would I like to be talked to the way I am talking now" and you can't go wrong.

Serve Others
Much more joy comes from thinking outside of ourself.  There is always someone you can sit next do, say hello to or help.  Always.  We are literally "God's hands" on this earth, so get to work.

Eat Fruits and Vegetables
I'm begging you. One can only eat so many quesadillas or bowls of ramen and think coherently.  An apple, a carrot.  Something.

Don't Let Fear Sabotage You
Too many people let fear (of failure, discomfort, the unknown, spiders...) keep them from being the person they want to be and God wants them to be.  I've seen too often when people miss out on amazing opportunities and growth because they are afraid.  Embrace your fear and then do what you are afraid of.  Along with that:

Try New Things
We are not meant to be "comfortable".  Growth comes from stepping outside our comfort zones and stretching.  Meet new people, join a club or team, try a new class, ask a girl on a date.  I know it's scary--particularly the girl thing.  Do it anyway.

If You Don't Like Something Change It
You are smart, talented, witty, good looking, spiritual people (thanks to your good genes).  If you don't like the direction you are headed, do something about it.  If you don't like something about yourself or your situation, change it. We are meant to improve--not be stagnant.  There is great power in changing habits, thoughts or actions that we don't like.

I'm Proud Of You
I know I'm not supposed to be proud, but I am.  Who would have thought that little boys who played "Fun Town" and memorized Sponge Bob quotes would grow up to be so amazing?  I did.  I may have worried along the way and nagged, cajoled and cried, but deep down, I knew.  

I love you,


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  1. I love this post. You have a great way of putting your feelings into words. Your children are blessed.

  2. Thanks so much Teresa. I sort of thought that having older children would be easier, but I'm not sure that's the case!
