Friday, January 15, 2016

Why "Diets" Don't Work

Diets don't work.  I'm a firm believer in that.  With the start of the new year there is always a big upswing in the number of FB and Instagram posts about our enthusiasm to make this year, THE year for losing weight.  Often, this involves some sort of extreme grape fruit eating, carb demonizing, burger hating, let's only eat food in it's natural state craziness.  Now I want to be clear--I absolutely believe in being healthy.  I believe that being a healthy weight is a fantastic goal.  I just don't believe we need to be crazy to get there.

I've spent a lot of time reading books. listening to pod casts, doing research and analyzing my own journey for wellness.  Heck, I worked for Weight Watchers for a few years (which I will say, that if you are looking for support, its' a great place to go.)  Here's what I've learned about weight loss:

1.  You need a LIFESTYLE not a DIET.  If you have weight you want to lose and keep off, you've got to find something that you can maintain as a way of life.  An extreme, quick fix rarely will work. If there's one thing I know, AVOID EXTREMES. That's because the majority of people can't maintain an extreme lifestyle long term.  Think about it, can you really never eat processed food for the rest of your life?  I mean, Oreos are delicious.

2.  Eat like the weight you want to be.  I actually had a huge "aha" moment with this recently.  Like a lot of us, the holidays had done a number on me (or I had done a number on the holidays--it's all perspective I guess.)  In order to get back on track and get a few pounds off I knew I had to trim the amount of calories I was consuming every day.  However, after a few days of tracking I realized that eating 1200 calories a day (sort of the "norm" to lose weight) just wasn't doable for me long term.  BUT, eating the amount of calories for the weight I want to be IS.  But to be OK with that you have to realize this:

3.  Slow and steady is better than fast and furious.    For most of us that doesn't mean 1200 calories a day and hours in the gym.  Yes, that means the weight will come off more slowly, BUT that means that from day one, you are practicing the strategy that will allow you to be successful for the rest of your life.  Think about that for a minute.

4.  Lists of foods you MUST have or CAN'T have are ridiculous.  (Unless you have a true, honest allergy. Or unless it says to never eat hot dogs. Hot dogs are disgusting). We've all seen lists like "The Top 5 Foods for Fat Loss" or "The Top 5 Foods You Should Never Eat".  Remember what I said?  "AVOID EXTREMES".   Will some foods fill you up more? Yes.  Do some foods have better nutritional quality?  Absolutely.  Will consuming a  Big Mac and fries once in a while kill you?  No.  And it will make me like you a whole lot more.

Because the bottom line is this:

5.  To lose weight you must consume less calories than you expend.  That's it.  You do that, you'll lose weight.  If you want to make the whole "consuming less calorie" thing doable, you'll figure out what foods help you stretch your calorie budget.  Whole foods, particularly those with protein, will fill you up more and make you less hungry.  Occasional treats will make you happy.  Regular exercise of some sort will make you feel better and give you more energy.

And with that sentiment, I'm off to eat a protein rich breakfast and spend a little time at the gym with my sweetheart.  Because I'm making Swig sugar cookies today and you better believe I'm eating one. Or two or three...


  1. Ok seriously did you tape record my conversation with my kids? I couldn't agree more and have said the exact same things to numerous people so many times. I love reading your posts. By the way have you seen that movie on Amazon called That Sugar Film ? Good stuff.

  2. I'll have to check out that movie. I see so many people looking for the magic cure for weight loss. It's really just eat less and move more and I'm all about figuring out what that looks like for me for the rest of my life. I miss you!
