Monday, July 11, 2016

Daring to Dream

Does fear ever hold you back from what you really want to do?

Dave and I are getting old.  Ok not old, but definitely old-er. (Like some things are sagging that weren't a few years ago old, but we're not so old that we've started eating dinner at 3:30 pm).  Five years from now our youngest will be out of the house and when I think about five years ago it seems like yesterday.  So these next few years are going to fly by and then what?  What do I really want to do with my life--with "our" life.  Like if money were no object and we could just chase our dreams, what would that be?  And when I think of it that way, it's easy--write and speak at events with Dave.

We've been lucky to have been asked to speak together a few times recently and we loved it.  We are no experts, well Dave is an expert, but I'm not. (Unless you count unearthing teenager's lies or finding really good deals on used furniture as being an "expert).  But I keep thinking we have something to contribute--that there is a higher purpose out there for the use of our talents.

So I think we're doing it.  Dave is in the process of publishing a book.  We have our blogs which before too long will probably be condensed into one blog that features both of us.  I think a podcast is in our near future.  (Ya hear that Richie??) Maybe nobody will listen, hopefully some will.  But if we don't start, we'll never know.

Here's to a scary, vulnerable, "Dave and Kristyn Adventure".  We hope you tune in, but even if you don't, at least we tried.

QUESTION:  What topics would you like to see covered on a "Morgan Life Advice" podcast or blog post?

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