Wednesday, September 14, 2016


I don't watch a lot of prime time TV.  Frankly, I don't watch a lot of TV at all because apparently I have developed some sort of middle age ADD and have the attention span of a gnat, but every once in a while I have a hankering for a new series to watch. A show that I actually look forward to watching every week like X Files back in the 90's or the whole L.O.S.T hoopla.  And since it's that time of the new year when series are making their debut, my FB feed seems to be be full of trailers for the upcoming Prime Time.  Hooray, I thought as I naively clicked on a what looked like a promising series, "This Is Us."

Well hold on to your hats people because apparently it is completely acceptable now to show NUDITY on regular television!! WHAT.THE.HECK????

Here I think I'm going to watch a Prime Time trailer about some sappy series that looks like it contains a whole lot of romance (my favorite) and some sappy crying (comes with the romance), because with a name like "This Is Us," how can it not have all that?

Oh it has all that alright along with an opening shot of some dude's bare backside!  On Prime Time!!  Does this bug anyone else?  This is regular old television that any of my kids can tune into (because I can't just block one show) and bam, naked guy.  I don't want to see a naked guy (except the one I'm married to, and then bring it), I don't want my kids to see any old naked guy (or girl--who knows what else is in this Prime Time show?)  And why?  Why???

Is it that necessary to the plot to show naked dude's rear end?  Like if I don't see his bare tush, am I going to miss some important part of the storyline?  If my eyeballs don't get up close and personal with his hiney, is there going to be some gaping plot hole?

Seriously.  I'm starting a campaign:  "Bring Back a Nudity Free Prime Time."  Because jeesh.  Who's in?

PS:  I'm not really starting a campaign because that would take time, effort and a longer attention span.  So this blog rant will have to suffice.


  1. I'd join your campaign, if you'd join mine for good plot lines/plots I can't guess within five minutes. Something that doesn't involve shooting people every ten seconds (although I do like a good action film). I must be getting old and lazy because I'm not willing to do anything about it... Except turn off my tv... Love your blog! Keep 'em coming!

  2. Amen!! Have you watched "Stranger Things" on Netflix? We really liked that (but there is a few swear words I could do without.). And we are currently into Blacklist as well. Neither one of them have naked backsides. Yet.
