Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Universe is Mocking Me

I'm pretty sure the universe is mocking me. Actually, probably in more than one way but there is one particular area that it seems to be telling me "yeah--we'll see about that."

Those that know me well know that I have a strict "no pet" policy. I'm not making any judgements on those of you that have pets (unless you insist on bringing them into Target strapped to your chest in a baby carrier), and contrary to what my kids think, I do not dislike animals. I just don't want them in the house.

I half jokingly keep a list of why we never have, nor never will have a pet. It starts with the practical (allergies, hair on the furniture, having to hire a sitter when you leave town, etc) and graduates into the psychological (I can't worry about keeping another creature alive and I hate goodbyes). So I'm not willing to budge on the policy.

Nature is mocking my policy.

Currently we have two birds nests taking up residency on or in the house. The first is in the vent over my kitchen window and aside from some slightly obnoxious chirping, it's not that big of deal.  However, the second bird family has decided that right in the front of our house where we park the van is a perfect place to roost which means every time you walk past, a bird swoops out at high rate of speed inches from your head and scares the living daylights out of you, Alfred Hitchcock style.

This comes after a long line of invasive nature issues. First we had to cap the chimney because a giant collection of swifts would roost up there and get stuck inside. There was the infamous mouse episode (which you can read about here) which was followed by the freaky "squirrel in the attic" debacle. And it got worse. One evening I was sitting in the family room and could hear the weirdest squeaking noise. I could not figure out where it was coming through so I started crawling around the room looking for what electronic device was emitting the sound. Eventually I found myself in front of the fireplace and looked up to see two beady eyes staring at me. It was A BAT!!!  That is the epitome of horror because let's be honest, I have some crazy mouse phobia and we all know a bat is just a mouse with wings!  Ughh...I was so worried that bat would squeeze it's way through the cracks in the fireplace screen that I did the only thing I could:

I duct taped my yoga mat to the front of the fireplace and waited for that sucker to perish.

See what I mean???  The universe is mocking me.

I'm starting to see that it's just a metaphor for other things in my life. I've had lots of policies over the years that stemmed from naivete and good intentions, but someone else had other things in mind. My kids make mistakes, plans fall through, choices have to made and lessons learned. I can't quite figure out what the lesson is I'm supposed to learn from these freak invaders but I know there is a lesson there.

And it better not be "get a pet..."


  1. Would it be bad for me to say "you should have started a fire in your fireplace"? (Assuming it's a gas fireplace and you wouldn't have to open the door).

    Either that or build it a little bat cave right next to the birds nest so you can be harassed anytime day or night.

  2. You know what would help keep all the Wild creatures away? A Cat or a dog... LOL!! Good luck with your critters. Maybe they think you are their Disney Princess and they are coming to clean your house or sew your clothes...
