Sunday, September 8, 2013

My Disneyland Epiphany

I know that I devised this blog originally as a place to vent my frustration and hold myself accountable for some changes for myself and my children.  And for those of you who have been following along since the beginning of this little journey (and seriously, if you've managed to stay with me, props to you) you know by now that I haven't made a great amount of progress.  Honestly by this point I was hoping that my kids would be chore doing fiends and I'd be a picture of organization with chore charts done, calendars made and that GIANT pile of clothes on my tub a thing of the  past.  But alas--that hasn't happened.

BUT--I have realized something recently.  Most anyone who knows us knows of our love for Disneyland and when the planets aligned, not only did I manage to find and marry a man with the same last name as me (Kristyn Morgan Morgan!) but I found someone who loved Disneyland even more than me!  And so, Disney is part of our family traditions and our children have quite literally grown up in the Magic Kingdom.

Now while I love taking my kids there--because my kids are pretty dang awesome--it hasn't always been easy.  First, there are 6 of them.  And we lose some of them.  A lot. (See previous post). Also, they need sunscreen.  And slicking up six kids takes FOREVER.  Then there is the whole food dilemma.  They are picky and finding a restaurant where they all will eat is nearly impossible.  (And it costs a fortune to feed them--churros alone could force you into bankruptcy. ) And so with that in mind Dave and I in recent years have taken to going to Disney once a year alone.  And it's awesome--I highly recommend it.  I don't have to lotion up anyone but myself and the top of Dave's head, we get to eat wherever and whenever we want and I don't have to carry or push anything!  This year we had the pleasure of running in the Disneyland 10K--and it was AMAZING!!!

What was even more amazing is that we leave our kids home--alone--when we go.  And they survive!  They get along, don't throw wild parties (that I know of), GET THEMSELVES TO CHURCH, and have the house clean when we return!  So that's something right?  So when I get frustrated with my progress or the dirty socks on the floor or the nest of towels in the bathroom, I have to remember that the percentage of teenagers who would roll out of bed on a Sunday morning to get themselves and their siblings ready for three hours of church starting at 9 am has got to be pretty small.  And that means that the Morgan's can't be a total mess right?  I mean somewhere along the line something sunk in and so while we are far from perfect I have great kids.  They may leave empty goldfish boxes and nesquick cans laying around but they are great kids.

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